All are welcome!
We are a growing, intergenerational church family, constantly seeking new ways to express our faith in God and Christ. We invite you to join us on the journey!

We worship in-person on Sundays at 10 AM
After our service, stay for coffee and conversation during Fellowship Time.

Upcoming Events

  • Church Council Meeting

    Monday, September 16th
    7 - 8:30 PM

    Let’s meet at the church.
    A Zoom option will be available for those who cannot be there in-person.

    Please contact Duncan Chisholm for more information.

  • Parish Council Meeting

    Tuesday, September 24th

    Contact Pastor Martha.

    Further details TBD.

    Hope you can join us!

    Zoom option will be available.

  • Holy Hike (UMW)

    Saturday, September 28th

    Stay tuned to this outdoor gathering. Details to be determined.

    Hope you can join us!

  • Sunday Morning Fellowship & Altar Flowers

    Sign-up for Fall!

    If you would like to dedicate altar flowers or feel called to host Sunday morning fellowship, please sign-up for the date(s) that work best for you.

    Please make your selections through Sign-up Genius

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Share your prayer request