All are welcome!
We are a growing, intergenerational church family, constantly seeking new ways to express our faith in God and Christ. We invite you to join us on the journey!
Join Us for Worship – In-Person & Online
Every Sunday at 10 AM, we come together in faith, whether in person or online.
After the service, stay and enjoy a warm cup of coffee while connecting with others during Fellowship Time.
For Sunday’s bulletin, CLICK HERE.
Upcoming Events
Valentine Care Packages
(Snow date: February 4th)
at the home of Carolyn Prazenka
Donations are needed by Sunday, February 2nd.
Please drop your items in the BIG RED BOX outside the church office.
We would greatly appreciate any of the following:
Monetary donations toward postage
Prepackaged goodies such as: lip balm, hot chocolate, cup-o-noodles, small cereal
boxes, granola bars, microwave popcorn, candy, fruit snacks, snack-sized chips.
DONATION DROP-OFF by Sunday, February 2nd
in the BIG RED BOX outside of church office.
Click here to RSVP, sign-up to donate goodies, and sign-up to bring something to the
packing party!
UMW Holy Hike
Saturday, February 8th
We’re excited to invite you to the upcoming Holy Hike!
It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect, enjoy nature, and share Fellowship.
Location: Tod’s Point, Greenwich, CT. Meeting Points: At the church at 9:00 AM.
Or in the parking lot at Tod’s Point at 9:30 AM.
Bring your hiking spirit and let’s enjoy this beautiful day together!
UMW Bible Study
Joy: A Study of Philippians by Deb Burma
Discover the true meaning of joy—even in trials. Real, genuine joy is always found in the saving grace of Christ Jesus.Join us as we delve into Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, often referred to as the “letter of joy.” This study unpacks themes of contentment, confidence, humility, and hope—all rooted in Christ and designed to infuse joy into both our mountaintop moments and the mundane.
When: Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
Where: In person at Wesley Lounge or via Zoom
Dates: January 28 – March 4 and April 22 – April 29
Books are available for $15.
For more information or to get your copy, please contact Pastor Martha.
We look forward to learning and growing together in joy!
This February, we are collecting saltine crackers and peanut butter jars for the Food Pantry.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity!
Sunday Morning Fellowship & Altar Flowers
Sign-up for Winter!
If you would like to dedicate Altar flowers or feel called to host Sunday morning fellowship, please sign-up for the dates that work best for you.
Please make your selections through Sign-up Genius